Activity Notes

We will be camping at beautiful Maryhill Campground the night after our Horsethief session.  The Mazamas have reserved the group campsite (first turnout on the left after you enter the campground).  The rules stipulate that we can only camp on the mulched areas.  This can be a little tight but we'll make it work.  They also stipulate that we are not allowed to bring hay bales or to have egg toss competitions, so there goes that.

It is typical for each team to have a potluck at Maryhill.  Per COVID guidelines we can not have food that will be touched by multiple hands (i.e. communal chips for salsa) but we can have food that is shared out by utensils.  Please bring your own plates, bowels, utensils, etc.

Registration is Closed

We’re sorry to report that registration is now closed for this activity and we are no longer accepting applications. The activity has either reached its maximum capacity or the registration period has ended.
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Email or call (503) 227-2345