Activity Notes

We'll meet at the MMC to carpool, leaving at 7.30 am sharp. Please get there early so that we can go over details, organize carpools and leave on time. 

We'll start hiking from the Equestrian Trailhead at 8.30 am. Directions to the Trailhead are here: 

Each car will need a Washington Discover Pass in order to park at the trailhead. 

After hiking through the forest for several miles, we'll emerge onto an open rocky ridge with great views of the gorge and mountains. With any luck there should be good wildflower displays along the ridge. The ridge portion of the trail is well used but it's rocky underfoot and it's not maintained; good hiking footwear is needed. We'll have lunch on the ridge or in the forest, depending on how the day goes. 

After descending the ridge, we''ll loop back through the forest to the trailhead. 

We'll maintain a steady 2-2.5mph pace on the way up, but with some breaks. Total distance around 8 miles, elevation gain about 2100 feet. 

More info: 

Registration is Closed

We’re sorry to report that registration is now closed for this activity and we are no longer accepting applications. The activity has either reached its maximum capacity or the registration period has ended.
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Groups Hike Leaders


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Email or call (503) 227-2345